Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Green Wish

My green wish for my school would be that we would recycle more then what we do. A lot of kids get pops or waters and use alot of paper on a day to day basis and if we would start recyling it wouldnt only make us look like a good school but would be good for our environment. We could do this even at lunch time, we wouldnt have to waste food, collect bottles and the food trays.


Is when night and day are nearly of the same length and the sun crosses the equator moving south.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Myth busters

.The way they plan out what there going to do for their expirment.
.When they guess or hypothisis what the outcome or conclusion of the experiment will be.
.They use some of the materials that we use in our labs.
.some things dont work out for them so they have to use trial and error technics.
.Writing down the results.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Earth Force Ideas

I thought this idea about having children from school write down what they like and what the dont waste at school. So the school knows what they can sell that wont be waste. Also the kids that picked up all those cigarettes was a great idea to reduce all the toxins the have in the the air. Im planning on trying to save up as much cans and bottles as i can at my house and other peoples home.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Green Wish

My green wish for my school would be a green roof. It would cool the school down on hot days and it would help of with energy.