The Solar System is approximately 39 astronomical units, but if the comets are included into this is would be much larger. The theory of the captures theory the planets and other objects came within the gravitational pull of the sun. They were then unable to escape the sun's gravitational attraction. The galaxy travels around the center of it. Which is Known as the milky way. All the planets and everything in the galaxy circulates around the sun in a counter clockwise direction. 4,500,000,000 is the age of our solar system, give or take a few hundred million years.
The Big Bang Theory. About fifteen billion years ago, give or take five billion years, a huge cloud of masterpieces in all kinds of sizes was slowly rotating around itself. The Big Bang theory is a widely accepted theory about the origin of the universe. It states that between 10 to 20 billion years ago the entire universe was compressed into the confines of an atomic nucleus.
The universe initially consisted of a very hot, dense fireball of expanding, cooling gas. After about one million years the gas started to condense into different clumps called protogalaxies,which then changed into galaxies.
- Paul J. Marquard. (1998-2001)
-Calvin J.Hamilton (1995-2009) http://www.solarviews.com/eng/solarsys.htm