Thursday, November 12, 2009

The updated nature trail

Changes in the nature trail are:
  • We cut the prickle bushes so they wouldn't hit people when walking through the trail
  • We painted the trail signs so they are more visible
  • All the big logs and sticks are out of the trail and are in a pile so they are out of the way and can be took away
  • There are not as many leaves all around the trail so it makes it easier to walk through
  • We also took all the debris away from the bottom of the signs, and there are maps in the map box now
Some school uses would be:
  • Take nature walks and learn about the different plants that are around
  • Teachers could also teach them about the animals within the nature trail
  • When the nature trail is going to need more work on then the teachers can have students help for volunteer work
  • Teachers could also just take students outside and do work out there to get fresh air and enjoy the nature
  • Its a way to sow students that its good to take care of our nature so we don't lose these kinds of things
Some community uses could be:
  • It can be used to do test on nature and other things
  • To promote a nice city and it not being trashed by it being so pretty
  • To show other communities that ours is nice and we care about our environment
  • They could have meetings there or any little gatherings
  • Can be used to maybe expanding it or making it with more additions

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